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Kunst & Kultur

Alexander v. Fenner / Anke Marwinski

Heinrich Mann: Mirror and Antagonist of his time

ISBN: 978-3-8366-6503-2

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Produktart: Buch
Diplomica Verlag
Imprint der Bedey & Thoms Media GmbH
Hermannstal 119 k, D-22119 Hamburg
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.2008
AuflagenNr.: 1
Seiten: 104
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Paperback


The following scientific work about Heinrich Mann is the translation of my examination Heinrich Mann: Die Entwicklung im Frühwerk vom sozialkritischen zum politischen Roman, published 2007 in Germany and entitled: Heinrich Mann: Mirror and antagonist of his time. This work describes his early literary his early literary life and shows his attitude towards most of the changes in the society during the turn of the century. At the same time it demonstrates his change to a democrat and the way how he engrosses his thoughts to become a political author. At the beginning of his rise to a literary example for a small group of youngf writers he was a member and observer of the special period called Fin de siècle. Starting as a journalist he learned from french examples like Balzac, Bourget and Zola and he wasreally impressed by the French spirit and styles of literature in the middle of the 19th century. Certainly he has been influenced by contemporary literature and authors from Germany. But nevertheless he was more focused on the French spirit of this period. Heinrich Mann, born 1871, brother of the established Thoms Mann was not an important writer. In my opion and in comparison to his brother he was the one who was underestimated in his time. Besides his personal development in his work shows why he was just the opposite to Thomas Mann - more brilliant than well-known for the enexperienced reader of German literature. The reason for it may be his attitude to prefer peace more than the other side of the German national mood to overwhelm other nations by hostile tendencies before the First World War. His special authorial abilities can be realised in how he describes the political attitudes in his own ironical and sarcastic style. In this article the literary work of Heinrich Mann caricatures the German Empire which is presented by means of my comparisons of the three novels Im Schlaraffenland, (1900), Professor Unrat (1905) and Die Kleine Stadt (1909). In Europe the turn of the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century was referred to this extraordinary term: Fin de siècle. It demonstrates a mix of emotional, sensitive and methaphorical motives named Aestheticism as one part of this literary period. At the same time Heinrich Mann was one of those who used these issues and denied them in further literary work while he became more and more political which is reflected in his further life and novels.


4.4 Heinrich Mann’s Die Kleine Stadt” (1909) as a democratic novel Heinrich Mann, in the meantime a solid novelist, has the need to extend his view beyond both discussed sociocritical novels after the change of 1905. After the completion and publication of the novel 1909 he writes to his friend Ludwig Ewers: Die Kleine Stadt ist mir von meinen Romanen der liebste, denn er ist nicht nur technisch eine Eroberung, auch geistig. Es ist Wärme, die Wärme der Demokratie die darin wiedergegeben ist, ein Glaube and die Menschheit … zu dem die Welt, wie mir scheint, wieder gelangen wird. At the same time it is the refusal of the individualism which specifies the epoch of literature of the Fin de siècle ( Der Individualismus auf den wir einmal stolz waren, fängt an uns erbärmlich vorzukommen…”). Thomas Mann values the novel as the Hohe Lied der Demokratie”. That the novel remains extensive unnoticed in the contemporary reception is due to two factors. On the one hand as already mentioned in the forecast of the democratic content for that the nationalistic Germany wasn’t prepared. On the other hand Mann changes to the Inselverlag with which he was unhappy afterwards and he thereupon decides as a start keine weiteren Romane zu schreiben”.

Über den Autor

Alexander v. Fenner, born 1971 in Düsseldorf, studied German language and literature at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf 1999-2007 as master of arts (M.A.). Besides he had an oral examination for history as a part of his exam 2006. He finished his studies in spring 2007 and published this translation at the beginning of 2008.

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