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- United under SAP
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Diplomica Verlag
Imprint der Bedey & Thoms Media GmbH
Hermannstal 119 k, D-22119 Hamburg
E-Mail: info@diplomica.de
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.2009
AuflagenNr.: 1
Seiten: 80
Abb.: 27
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Paperback
United under SAP - The process of eliminating information island ist eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit zur SAP Implementierung mit der ASAP Methode am Beispiel eines bekannten und international agierendem Unternehmen in Südchina, Guangdong Province, im Jahre 2008. Die Arbeit ist in englischer Sprache verfasst und zum Projekt als Untersuchungsgegestand Methode, Vorher-Nachhersituation, Vor- und Nachteile und der Einfluss der chinesischen Kultur-Aspekte. Introduction: Nowadays, companies all over the world face incredible pressure in global markets. To survive and to stay competitive, procurement of every description needs to be developed as a major leverage to save cost in the recent years. To achieve competitive differentiation with advantage, companies have to empower information workers. Business processes are the key to unlock the potential of these strategies.
Text Sample: Chapter 4.2, Corporate culture and Chinese work attitude: China is indeed a specialty for Western” foreigners but also because in comparison to their own point of view - compared to the own culture and work attitude. The motive is rather based on being unaware of the country-specific (corporate) culture. To reach success in business requires to acknowledge and to bridge that gap. Flexibility and tolerance is inevitable. The following table is a prefacing, summarized overview of some differences in a concise manner (Table 4.2-1: Differences between Chinese and German). 1 – Lifestyle: Derived from their lifestyle, Chinese people are quite group orientated. This based on the aspiration for harmony. Similar to the way of solving problems, mistakes and uncover other’s weakness should be avoided. Instead, to be on friendly terms with each other (be in harmony”, even if being at variance) should be retained unchanged. 2 - Boss position: According to the corporate culture is must be known that Chinese role allocation is highly established by priority. Interestingly from this follows that often a manager in a leading position is faced with a lot kind of daily duties and tasks, sort of all-round or universal manager with role model function. High respect is what they receive and grant them a good status in case of positive reputation. 3 - Own opinion: No doubt, Chinese have an own opinion. But here are two behavior pattern worth to explain: on the one hand, they are easier willing to give a positive response in form of an affirmation to the opposite’s opinion due to the fact to cause no fight – or: to do not hurt the opposite’s face”. On the other hand, another culture related aspect is that Chinese have a self-conception for lower demands within their inherent community and, hence, represent the common opinion of the group. 4 - Problem solving: As already described, the communication, if problems have to be solved, is preferred indirectly from Chinese side. Again the face concept” takes its meaning. A gruff reply is objectionable. 5 - Show oneself: This is an important culture mannerism that carries the aspect of a face”-concept and has consequently influence on personal work attitude and in that way on business processes. Avoiding conflicts to not lose or hurt face” – the own as well as other’s, especially in front of third or in public. But to criticize is alright if it is in private, according for businesses even welcome. Chinese businessmen are exerted to circumvent disaffirmation but to search for similarities. That results from the importance of reputation and keeps the harmony. Systematic approach: Their systematic approaches are different compare to most Western ways what can be seen, for example, in the different needs when reports are created or requested. However, study and knowledge is of great importance for Chinese. The traditional Chinese way of learning is in the first instance imitation, learning by heart, learning from example. By contrast, analyzing may be of less importance. Time schedule planning is also less important – preferably thinking in the short run and focus on the present. Also frequently charismatic for Chinese work attitude is that Chinese employees partly tend to work less independent and assume not too much responsibilities. But recent reports and researches show, here is an upward trend, especially caused by the increase of international cooperation along with and within Chinese companies but also due to the improved and adapted educational changing for students what, after all, makes it to a differential of generation and job position. Interpersonal relationships (Guanxi): Personal relationships in the business world have a big impact on many operations. In China it has even a bigger impact, roots by the intensity and meaning of relations. This famous characteristic in China is called guanxi”. The meaning of relations is high and even more than that: it is useful and often necessary. In cases like relationships between friends, between teacher and student or between colleagues it can be also open to foreigners. But guanxi is neither something to categorize nor just a group association. It is a network of connections where a relationship between two people is valued”. This sense of community requires nourishing relationships with interactive maintenances. Right from the start a common group background (for example the own family, alumni, (ex-) colleagues, people from the same village, etc.) may have an advantage. In general, guanxi is a mutual matter of to give and to take for a long-term relationship – where relationships are developed and maintained based on trust. In other words, guanxi enables chances, sometimes even just in the first place. Also as foreigner it should be adapted and combined with the own values to deal with a job in China. In general, the role and position of a foreigner can vary. In some cases foreigners are still rare for Chinese, as it were new” or different”. For example, that openness might be reserved at the beginning. But usually there is no barrier for foreigner to get into it, as long as they are eager interested and want to become integrated, so Chinese are open for it.
Marcel Gundlach, B.Sc, geboren 1982, aufgewachsen in Berlin und derzeit als German Salesperson in Südchina tätig. Studiumabschluss 2008 zum Bachelor of Science im Bachelorstudiumgang Wirtschaftsinformatik mit dem Schwerpunkt Betriebswirtschaftslehre/Anwendungsorientierte Vertiefung an der FHTW Berlin.
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